About Us

Tanya Burdett

Essential Planning Director, Tanya Burdett, has been advising clients on strategic planning, impact assessment, and community engagement strategies for over 30 years.  Tanya is committed to environmental and social planning principles as a core consideration in planning initiatives.

With a Masters in Environmental Studies and Bachelor of Applied Science in Planning, Tanya brings together an in-depth knowledge of land use, spatial planning, environmental management and public participation disciplines.

In Australia, Tanya actively works for various water, transport, energy and urban development clients to improve sustainability of their policies, plans, programs and projects.

In the UK, her work has led to successful outcomes for:

Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive implementation in the UK
Sustainability appraisal for new high-speed rail (HS2) in the UK.
Eco-towns planning policy in England

Tanya is a PhD Candidate at the University of Melbourne. Her research focusses on integrated decision-making processes and strategic planning.

Tanya is a Registered Planner (through the Planning Institute of Australia), a Licensed IAP2 Trainer (through the International Association for Public Participation), and also holds active professional memberships with IAIAIEMA and EIANZ.

Tanya works with other organisations to improve approaches to environmental assessment and engagement. This includes working closely with IEMA as an approved Training Centre.

Current Positions

2018 to Present

University of Melbourne
Teaching Support, Tutor and PhD Candidate

Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Melbourne School of Design

Tutor in Urban Sustainability and Climate Change, Participatory Planning, Strategic Plan Making

Guest lecturer in Participatory Planning (University of Melbourne)

Also guest lecturer in environmental impact assessment, Monash University Art, Design & Architecture – Ecological City – “Quarry Futures”

2004 to Present

Essential Planning (UK)

Planning, impact assessment, community engagement, facilitation and capacity building services.

Essential Planning and Engagement trading as Burdett Associates has been active in Australia since 2015.

In both Australia and the UK, and more broadly, Tanya provides the same suite of services with regular clients including the Planning Institute of Australia, and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (UK)

2010 to Present


Licensed IAP2 Certificate Trainer facilitating Public Participation Training, Capacity Building and Organisational Culture Change workshops around the world.

Tanya also provides bespoke training to organisations including public participation in the planning sector (for the Planning Institute of Australia) and impact assessment sector (for the International Association for Impact Assessment)

2018 to Present

University of Melbourne
Teaching Support, Tutor and PhD Candidate

Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Melbourne School of Design

Tutor in Urban Sustainability and Climate Change, Participatory Planning and Strategic Plan Making

Guest lecturer in Participatory Planning (University of Melbourne)

Also guest lecturer in environmental impact assessment, Monash University Art, Design & Architecture – Ecological City – “Quarry Futures” 

2004 to Present

Essential Planning (UK)

Planning, impact assessment, community engagement, facilitation and capacity building services.

Essential Planning and Engagement trading as Burdett Associates has been active in Australia since 2015.

In both Australia and the UK, and more broadly, Tanya provides the same suite of services with regular clients including the Planning Institute of Australia, and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (UK)

2010 to Present


Licensed IAP2 Certificate Trainer facilitating Public Participation Training, Capacity Building and Organisational Culture Change workshops around the world.

Tanya also provides bespoke training to organisations including public participation in the planning sector (for the Planning Institute of Australia) and impact assessment sector (for the International Association for Impact Assessment)

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